
Topic: Dex's Diner - The Star Wars Topic

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Welcome to Dex's Diner, a dedicated topic to discuss the various shows, movies, games, comics and action figures that come from a galaxy far, far away. Star Wars seems to be an inescapable component of modern pop culture, regardless of whether there's any new content for it or not. At the moment, it feels like there's new content every other week, which is great news for us nerds but less so for folks in other topics who'd rather not see broader discussions derailed (and I apologise for my part in any of those derailments).

So here we are! The dust has settled on The Book of Boba Fett, there's a new trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi, we've got LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga releasing next month, and the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch is due to arrive before the third season of The Mandalorian closes out the year (and that's without mentioning the rumours regarding Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order II, either)! Phew!

Grab a cup of jawa juice, politely refuse to buy death sticks, and pull up a chair like a bantha... yes?

And may the Force be with you!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@NedStarksGhost So yeah, that teaser trailer, right...?!

I think it looks amazing (obviously), but I do feel sorry for those who haven't watched Star Wars: Rebels or played Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, as it seems to be constructed entirely out of elements from those two things in particular! Makes me wonder whether the plot's gonna be real easy to predict, as I'm looking at the above and thinking, "You can't die, you can't die... oh, you're new, you can die... but you can't, nor can you." I'm sure there'll be more to it than that, though!

Also, best musical score to a trailer ever. Whoever put that music together deserves a raise!

What do you think?

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger nice Rog, the TV Show thread is now safe from the Star Wars singularity 😉.

As it goes, I was a huge Star Wars fan from the age of 3 until my early 20’s… then the prequel trilogy kinda doused my fire a bit… and then the sequel trilogy absolutely killed it for me! At least I thought it had… the D+ shows have rekindled it a bit though in fairness, so it’s not out of the question that I might get fully on board once more if the quality continues.

Out of interest, did you ever read the Heir to the Empire trilogy… and if so, how unbelievably awesome would it have been if Disney had just adapted those for the sequel trilogy? That would’ve had me back as a full-on super-fan straight away if they had.

Edited on by colonelkilgore



@colonelkilgore You're describing every generational experience, I reckon. Which is why a lot of the new content is finally coming around to embracing the prequel era, as its fans are now the thirty-somethings with the disposable income to buy t-shirts and Disney+ subscriptions. Let's all brace ourselves for a couple decades down the line, when the sequel trilogy is held up as "classic" Star Wars.

I'm glad the new shows have won you back a bit, though, as it's always nice to like things! And no, whilst I'm aware of a lot of the content and characters from the books, I've read frighteningly few of 'em for myself. That being said, I think we're building towards a backdoor adaptation of them anyway, at least in part. We already have its most recognisable star in a perfect position for the inevitable crossover event between all this content, and the recent, near-flawless resurrection of a younger Luke Skywalker means that anything's possible.

Those books are held in such high regard, though, aren't they? You're not alone in loving them!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger dude, you have to read them, what with you being such a huge fan… they’re so good! I think I read them when I was around 18… so like 25 years ago 😢. Just talking about them makes me want read them again.

Edited on by colonelkilgore



@colonelkilgore I appreciate the recommendation (you're not the first, trust me)! Got other books in my backlog at the moment, but do consider them whenever I see them mentioned. Knowing what happens in them has blunted my immediate curiosity, but also knowing that they're being largely absorbed into the new canon will definitely make me interested to compare and contrast someday.

It's the same deal with the Bond books. I know I'm the wrong way round but hey, that's me all over!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger hey, I know all about enjoying my entertainment in a ‘goofy’ manner… you just have to check the order I played through the Metal Gear Solid series.



I've been watching all the Star Wars movies in chronological order since last summer (one a month, though skipped December because Christmas movies), and I only have the Rise of Skywalker left to go (which is the only one I haven't seen before).

May be kinda of an unpopular opinion, but I honestly think Rogue One might be my favorite of the bunch so far (certainly that final battle might be the most epic thing in the series).

Other than that the prequel trilogy is my era of Star Wars so I can enjoy them for what they are (and I do think Revenge of the Sith is genuinely good), the OG trilogy are all around well watchable classics (even if they are showing their age a bit), and so far I think the sequels are fine modern popcorn flicks. They do have their issues and between the first two I think the Last Jedi is the weaker of them, but they're overall fine. Oh, and then there's Solo, which exists I guess.

By far the worst one however was Ewoks: Caravan of Courage. Bored me to tears so much I skipped out on the second one (so I'm kinda cheating here, lol). Close up would probably be the Clone Wars movie which, while it introduces Ashoka, is just three early Clone Wars episodes smooshed together and isn't compelling as a movie.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@colonelkilgore We approach what we approach, however we approach it. Amen, brother!


@RR529 Holy heck, you actually attempted to watch one of the Ewoks movies...?! That's incredibly brave of you! I've never even watched clips from 'em!!

Also, I don't think you're alone in preferring Rogue One. It's a lot of folks' new favourite.

Will be real interested to read your Rise of Skywalker thoughts!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Duel Of The Fates absolutely makes this trailer.



LN78 wrote:

@MightyDemon82 I don't understand the reference. Knowing Rog it's something from the prequels.

Dex's Diner is the original hub world from the first LEGO Star Wars game. Given our proximity to LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, and since this is a gaming forum, and considering I named the Star Trek topic after a famous bar, I felt it fit.

The fact that it's also a prequel reference is neither here nor there. Honest.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I haven't really played the LEGO games, either - but my niece and nephew absolutely loved them. Thanks for making the topic!



@LN78 No worries! Think you might be interested in the new one? Or is the style not your thing?

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


I don’t even really like Ewan McGregor but that was a great trailer. I’ll really need to watch the rest of Mando and that Boba Fett thing at some point.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@RogerRoger Not sure yet. I've only just gotten back into gaming so I've got a lot to catch up on. "Elden Ring" was what really drew me back - after that I want to try some of the Next Gen big hitters like "Returnal" and so on. I'm genuinely not sure what's differentiates this new LEGO game from the previous "Star Wars" entries in the series. Is it open world or something?



@RogerRoger Amazing name for the thread!

The trailer was absolutely fantastic. The music couldn't have been better chosen for it! I think you're right in that we know a lot of characters wont be dying. So I think this may be more an emotional journey. Hopefully, like some old plays and stuff, the fact we know where this leads is something we should know to see how the story progresses. Not to use a cliche but this may be one of those times it's about the journey?

You're right that this may be quite jarring for those who have no idea what an Inquisitor is. Hopefully they throw a few small exposition dumps in there for those uneducated! But just to hear Ewan's voice again as Kenobi was nostalgic and amazing. "The fight is done.... We lost", those words alone hurt and that's just a small snippet from a trailer. I think this will be something very special.

And finally, think we may get some live action Inquisitor-copters?



@RR529 Like you, the Prequel Trilogy is what I grew up on. I love the films, despite their imperfections. Whilst I wouldn't argue with those who talk bad about TPM or AOTCH, I will defend ROTS as I believe it was a genuinely good film!

Rogue One was excellet. I thought when it came out that this would set the bar for new Star Wars anthology stories. It wasn't perfect, but it was different and yet very much still Star Wars. Sadly things just ground to a halt with anthology films after Solo tanked. However maybe that paved the way for The Mandalorian, so a huge silver lining.

I think it is better than the three Sequel Trilogy films (I'm sure most fans would share that sentiment as well). When The Force Awakens came out, I really enjoyed it and it gave me hope but watching it back it doesn't hold up too well. I think its due to the high amount of fan service and references. Rogue One I think makes A New Hope an even better film. And it has one of the best moments in Star Wars media... The final hallway scene!

So yeah, you are definitely not alone in your view of Rogue One.



NedStarksGhost wrote:

@RR529 Like you, the Prequel Trilogy is what I grew up on. I love the films, despite their imperfections. Whilst I wouldn't argue with those who talk bad about TPM or AOTCH, I will defend ROTS as I believe it was a genuinely good film!

Rogue One was excellet. I thought when it came out that this would set the bar for new Star Wars anthology stories. It wasn't perfect, but it was different and yet very much still Star Wars. Sadly things just ground to a halt with anthology films after Solo tanked. However maybe that paved the way for The Mandalorian, so a huge silver lining.

I think it is better than the three Sequel Trilogy films (I'm sure most fans would share that sentiment as well). When The Force Awakens came out, I really enjoyed it and it gave me hope but watching it back it doesn't hold up too well. I think its due to the high amount of fan service and references. Rogue One I think makes A New Hope an even better film. And it has one of the best moments in Star Wars media... The final hallway scene!

So yeah, you are definitely not alone in your view of Rogue One.

I totally loved Rogue One too, one of the best Star Wars movies of all time.

The PSVR is the best VR system on the market today.


@LN78 Oh wow, yeah, going from Elden Ring to a LEGO game would give you some serious tonal whiplash, I'm sure! Sounds like a smart plan to slowly come down from such an intense experience. Returnal should be a perfect follow-up, from what I understand about it.

If you've got six minutes, then this extended trailer explains LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga better than anybody ever could (but brace yourself; it contains Gungans).

But basically yeah, it's a brand new adaptation of all nine numbered Star Wars episodes, which reinvents the traditional LEGO gameplay and features more of an open galaxy than an open world, as you'll be free to fly from star system to star system as you track the story in whatever order you want. It looks really ambitious (which explains some of its lengthy development delays) and rather charming!


@NedStarksGhost Glad you like it, and glad the trailer impressed, too! I think you're absolutely right. So much of the new Star Wars content on Disney+ has been about building things (the shared universe of The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, and how other characters have been reintroduced in both, and how everything's very obviously leading to something, somewhere) that I think Obi-Wan is perfectly placed to just do a bit of character work, check in with folks, and ultimately be its own thing.

Heh, I doubt we'll get any saber-copter moments, but I'd love to stand corrected! That new Inquisitor does seem to be doing a bit of rooftop parkour at some point, so perhaps they could incorporate it briefly, to break her fall or get her across a particularly large gap!

I'm sure they'll explain the concept of the Inquisitorius well enough. It'll help to have Vader be part of events, as well, as having him interact with them should solidify their place in Imperial hierarchy.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger That does sound ambitious but probably not for me. My comedian brother bought me the "Clone Wars" blu-ray boxset for Christmas. I was thrilled.


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